Statement on Barnaby Joyce
Statement on Barnaby Joyce
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien paid tribute to work of former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Barnaby Joyce:
Barnaby has been a very good Minister for Agriculture and a capable Minister for Infrastructure and Transport.
Barnaby visited Wide Bay a number of times during the last federal election campaign and in his time as Deputy Prime Minister.
He has a strong interest in the Bruce Highway and a keen understanding of the importance of Section D Cooroy to Curra, which I know he has highlighted to his cabinet colleagues.
I have always found Barnaby to be incredibly supportive and to hold a great understanding of what the Wide Bay electorate needs, and I worked closely with him to secure funding for a number of projects.
My focus is and always will be delivering for Wide Bay. Lowering unemployment and stopping the needless deaths on the Bruce Highway are my priorities and I look forward to continuing to work with the party’s new leader in pursuit of those and many other goals.