Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien will be available again for constituent interviews in Noosa, Gympie, the South Burnett, and the Mary Valley and Noosa Hinterland in the coming week.
Llew O’Brien is the Federal Member for Wide Bay. He was elected to the Australian Parliament at the 2016 Federal Election, and re-elected in May 2019 and May 2022.
Before entering Parliament, Llew served as a police officer in the Wide Bay region for 16 years and specialised in criminal intelligence and traffic accident investigation.
He is committed to strengthening the economy to create jobs and has delivered significant projects to drive job growth in Wide Bay.
In 2021 Llew O’Brien fought for and won a commitment to build a four-lane Tiaro bypass with a concrete barrier separating north and southbound lanes.
But there is more to be done to ensure this vital Bruce Highway safety upgrade project goes ahead with four divided lanes.
Click the link below to learn more about Llew O’Brien’s fight to save the four-lane Tiaro bypass.
Industrial scale renewable energy projects and powerline pylons are threatening to divide and cut scars across Wide Bay communities from the Fraser Coast, through Gympie. and the South Burnett.
Prime agricultural land, private landholdings and native wildlife habitats of protected species are all at risk.
Llew O’Brien MP
Federal Member for Wide Bay
Postal Address: PO Box 283 Maryborough Qld 4650
Address: 319 Kent Street Maryborough Qld 4650
Phone: 07 4121 2936 / 1300 301 968 (from landline)
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien will be available again for constituent interviews in Noosa, Gympie, the South Burnett, and the Mary Valley and Noosa Hinterland in the coming week.
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien is inviting residents and businesses to nominate mobile black spot locations in the Fraser Coast, Gympie, and South Burnett Local Government areas, as well as the Noosa hinterland, that need improved mobile coverage.
On the 26th of January 2025 we mark Australia Day, a day where we acknowledge our country’s past, recognise our achievements, and look forward to the future.
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien has called on the Federal and Queensland Governments to prioritise the construction of the Bruce Highway four lane Tiaro bypass and bring forward plans to extend the upgrades from Curra to Maryborough.
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien is inviting local volunteer groups to apply for funding from the 2024-25 round of the Australian Government Volunteer Grants Program.
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien today congratulated local sports stars who will receive grants to help them participate in state, national, and international competitions.
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien announced today that four community groups in Murgon received funding from the Australian Government’s 2023-24 Volunteer Grant Program.
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien announced today that the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard at Tin Can Bay has received $2,000 from the Australian Government’s Volunteer Grant Program.
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien is encouraging everyone in Wide Bay to honour those who have served our nation, by wearing a poppy and paying their respects at 11am on Remembrance Day, this Monday, November 11.
In the spirit of Australia, I acknowledge all citizens who contribute to making our nation the greatest on earth.
I acknowledge our defence force personnel, past, present, and emerging, for their service to our nation, and particularly those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defence of Australia.
I also acknowledge the Australian taxpayers who, through their hard work, pay for the infrastructure, health, education, and emergency services that keep our proud nation healthy, safe, and prosperous.