Tackling Homelessness in Wide Bay
22 March 2018
Tackling Homelessness in Wide Bay
Member for Wide Bay, Llew O’Brien said today young people at risk of homelessness would receive greater support through increased Australian Government funding.
Mr O’Brien said the Coalition Government is providing up to $1,025,458 to the South Burnett CTC over five years to fund services in the South Burnett through the Cherbourg-Murgon Reconnect Service.
Other providers offering Reconnect services covering Wide Bay and other electorates include the Open Doors Youth Service, Fraser Coast Reconnect, and Reconnect Crucial Connection.
“Reconnect provides support and assistance to young people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless,” Mr O’Brien said.
“Reconnect services will help stabilise the lives of vulnerable young people in Wide Bay by keeping them connected with their families, communities, and education or employment opportunities.
“The Coalition Government’s long-term funding of Reconnect enables services to intervene to help prevent crisis from occurring. I encourage anyone who knows someone in a vulnerable housing situation to use this service.”
Organisation Name Funding Amount Website
– South Burnett CTC $1,025,458 www.sbctc.com.au
– Sisters Inside Inc $1,188,070 www.sistersinside.com.au
– Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre $1,025,458 www.hbnc.net.au
– Open Doors Youth Service $1,025,458 www.opendoors.net.au
The Coalition Government has provided up to $117 million over five years to 102 Reconnect services across Australia, on top of an additional $375 million to frontline homelessness services over the three years from 1 July 2018.
For more information on Reconnect services, visit the DSS website.