Additional parking for Murgon’s Castra aged care facility
Additional parking for Murgon’s Castra aged care facility
Federal Member for Wide Bay, Llew O’Brien recently visited Castra Residential Aged Care, which received $14,157 from the Coalition Government towards the provision of additional car parking spaces and improved access to its buildings.
“It was great to visit Castra and meet the residents and staff and see the completed project, that was supported by the Coalition Government,” Mr O’Brien said.
“There is only limited car parking at the facility, so this project helped to create more parking spaces, making it easier for visitors to see their family and friends. Additional car parking also assists schools and volunteers to visit Castra and meet with the residents.
“While at Castra, I particularly enjoyed talking with former Murgon Mayor, Bill Roberts, about his views on a range of local, state and national matters,” Mr O’Brien said.
“Castra is a much loved local facility, which regularly holds community functions and special events and I’m pleased the Coalition Government has been able to support it in this very practical way.”