Still plenty of time to have your say in Census 2016 (2)
Still plenty of time to have your say in Census 2016.
Federal Member for Wide Bay, Llew O’Brien has reassured local residents that there is still plenty of time for them to receive either a paper Census form, or a letter containing a Census login, to enable them to participate in the 2016 Census.
“The 2016 Census takes place on Tuesday night, August 9, and is conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS),” Mr O’Brien said.
“Many people have contacted my office seeking information about the Census and have expressed concern that they have not yet received a letter containing a login to lodge their Census form online, or a paper Census form.
“The ABS advise it is currently issuing letters and paper Census forms to all households and that the majority of Australians actually complete their form after Census night.
“Once you have received your Census letter containing the login information you can choose to complete the Census online, or you can contact the ABS on 1300 820 275 to request a paper Census form.
“If you haven’t completed and returned the Census after Tuesday night, the ABS has a thorough process in place to engage with residents who haven’t completed their form. Census Field Officers will be visiting homes up until 18 September and reminder letters will be distributed to follow up with those people who haven’t participated in the Census.
“While everyone should complete the Census and return it to the ABS as soon as possible, there is a significant grace period and Australians have up until 23 September 2016 to complete the Census online.
“I understand that the Census Inquiry line is receiving high volumes of calls and people are frustrated that they are unable to get through. I want to reassure people that the ABS is increasing resources as Census night approaches and is working as fast as possible to respond to inquiries to ensure that everyone participates.
“I am also aware that some people are concerned they might be fined for not completing the Census by August 9. I want to assure them that they just need to use their best endeavours to complete the Census properly and return it to the ABS as soon as possible. The ABS will not penalise people if they have demonstrated a willingness to participate in the Census.
“Please ensure that you answer the questions in the Census based on where you were on August 9 and for everyone who was in your household that night.”
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