Show your support for a safer Bruce Highway – Sign the petition for Section D today
28 March 2018
Show your support for a safer Bruce Highway – Sign the petition for Section D today
Federal Member for Wide Bay, Llew O’Brien is asking local residents to sign an e-petition launched today by Gympie Times Editor, Shelley Strachan, to secure construction funding for the Bruce Highway Cooroy to Curra Section D project.
“Road safety is a top priority for me, Shelley as well as local media and motorists from all over Wide Bay,” Mr O’Brien said.
“Too many lives have been lost in horrific fatal accidents and too many people have suffered from serious injuries in crashes on the Bruce Highway between Cooroy and Curra.
“If you’ve lived in Gympie for more than 10 years, you’ll know a family who has felt the devastation of an accident causing serious injury or death of a loved one on the Bruce Highway.
“We must fix this,” Mr O’Brien said.
“The Cooroy to Curra Bruce Highway upgrade is divided up into four projects. Sections A, B and C are completed and open to traffic. We’ve all seen the benefits of this new four lane, divided highway between Cooroy and Woondum, which is fatality free.
“We now need to finish the job and get Section D done.
“Section D is a 26 kilometre project from Woondum to Curra that will transform one of the deadliest sections of the Bruce Highway into a safer, high capacity highway that will connect Wide Bay communities when the Mary River floods.
“The Cooroy to Curra upgrade is literally a lifesaving piece of highway engineering and I want to see the whole project completed, with Section D bringing the safer road all the way to Curra.
“The project will also deliver economic benefits to the region. For motorists travelling between Woondum and Curra, Section D will eliminate eight sets of traffic lights, better connecting Wide Bay to Brisbane and Maryborough.
“Section D is also a congestion buster, taking heavy vehicles out of Gympie, enabling faster travel between Maryborough and Cooroy, and it improves access to the Cooloola Coast.
“The Australian Government has already spent $52 million on detailed design and acquisitions, and the Queensland Government is committed to the project. Section D is the final project along the Cooroy to Curra corridor and I need your support to finish the job.”
I thank Shelley Strachan for her petition and I encourage everyone to sign it by clicking on or