Regional Growth Fund can support Wide Bay’s big ideas
28 March 2018
Regional Growth Fund can support Wide Bay’s big ideas
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien is encouraging businesses, local councils and eligible state agencies to turn their big ideas for Wide Bay into Initial Applications for funding under the Coalition Government’s Regional Growth Fund.
“With only one month remaining, the clock is ticking for Initial Applications to be submitted for big, transformative, job creating projects,” Mr O’Brien said.
The $272 million Regional Growth Fund will support major projects in regional, rural and remote areas that delivered long-term economic benefits.
“For communities in Wide Bay, this is a unique opportunity to ‘think big’ on new or expanded projects, with 50 percent of total project funding on offer as part of the Coalition Government’s focus on regional jobs.
“Whether its transport and communications, tourism, manufacturing, agriculture, and primary industries, the Coalition Government will invest a minimum of $10 million toward each successful infrastructure project.”
The Regional Growth Fund will support additional investment for sustainable economic growth, including from the private sector, other levels of government, and not-for-profit organisations.
Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government John McVeigh said with Initial Applications closing on 27 April 2018, he encouraged all eligible organisations to submit an application as soon as possible.
“The $272 million Regional Growth Fund will be a game-changer across Australia by unlocking government funding for projects that have the capacity to transform regional areas,” Dr McVeigh said.
“The Regional Growth Fund is an open invitation to everyone eligible who believes in regional and remote Australia to partner with the Coalition Government to support positive change for the future.
For more information on the program, including the application process, visit