O’Brien backs Coalition’s plan for affordable and reliable electricity
O’Brien backs Coalition’s plan for affordable and reliable electricity
Federal Member for Wide Bay, Llew O’Brien said he strongly supports the Coalition Government efforts to keep power prices as low as possible.
“Lower power prices are good for households, good for consumers, good for business and good for industry,” Mr O’Brien said.
“Lower power prices help the household budget, cuts the cost of doing business and increases our competitiveness, which helps to create jobs.
“We need to ensure our energy mix is capable of delivering cheap, reliable power, so it’s important that clean coal is a key part of our nation’s energy security. The investment in ultra-supercritical power stations in regional Australia would boost supply, diversify our industrial base, and secure an affordable and reliable source of electricity for generations.
“I also welcome the strategic move by the Queensland LNP to do away with arbitrary renewable energy targets in support of a single national approach.
“This will strengthen our energy security and help keep power prices low,” Mr O’Brien said.
“In contrast, Bill Shorten, Labor and The Greens want to adopt South Australia’s failed ideology everywhere, which would lead to higher power bills and more blackouts.”
The result of unrealistic state-based targets has been huge power bills for families and businesses, as well as unreliable supply.
The Coalition Government will take a business like common sense approach so we can keep the lights on, keep power bills affordable, and reduce emissions.
“We can’t afford Labor-Green ideology that leads to higher electricity prices and blackouts.”