Gympie headspace – Speech – House of Representatives
Hansard 13:31 03/02/2021 House of Representatives
Mr LLEW O’BRIEN (Wide Bay—Deputy Speaker) (13:31):
With up to one in four young people suffering from mental ill health, the headspace Gympie service makes a very positive difference in the lives of hundreds of young people, providing services addressing mental and physical health, as well as alcohol and drug use.
This is a fantastic, welcoming facility that also provides social and vocational advice in a safe, supportive and comfortable environment.
It offers the right support to help youth navigate the challenges thrown at them. But the time has come for headspace Gympie to be expanded to become a standalone service.
Headspace Gympie is contracted to deliver 100 appointments per month, but last year demand for the service jumped. They delivered 152 appointments in July, then 150 appointments in August, 131 appointments in September and 130 in October.
The waiting times have also blown out, and more than 50 per cent of young people are waiting more than four weeks for their first appointment.
Headspace Gympie is funded at one-third the cost of other headspace centres.
It’s time it was expanded to a full service to meet community needs so young people can get the help they need—but, critically, when they need it.