Crossings signal progress on Cooroy to Curra Section D upgrade

January 27, 2021

Federal Member for Wide Bay and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Llew O’Brien has welcomed progress on the $1 billion Cooroy to Curra Section D Bruce Highway upgrade, with haulage crossings to be constructed on the east side of Gympie within weeks.

“Construction of the first crossings on the local road network will begin around East Deep Creek in early February, which will provide access for machinery and materials and will significantly reduce the number of construction vehicles on local roads,” Mr O’Brien said.

“When completed, the crossings will reduce disruption for local road users, and they’re a welcome step forward in the much-needed four-lane Gympie Bypass.”

Mr O’Brien said the roadworks would include the construction of temporary road pavements, installing rumble grids within the work areas, and installing signage for traffic management.

Changed speed limits will be in place at all heavy vehicle crossings, and all crossings will be monitored and road conditions managed with sweeper trucks and water carts.

Work will begin in February at the following crossings:
• Flood Road – near Cooloola Scrap Metal
• Noosa Road – near T-intersection with Penny Road
• Penny Road – near T-intersection with Noosa Road
Progressively over the next twelve months the following
crossings will begin:
• Keefton Road – within Woondum State Forest area
• Noosa Road – near Mothar Mountain Speedway
• East Deep Creek Road – near Nolan Meats
• Randwick Road – adjacent to North Coast Rail Line
• Bolcaro Road – approximately halfway along
• Tin Can Bay Road – adjacent to the North Coast Rail Line
• Sandy Creek Road – adjacent to the North Coast Rail Line

The project is being managed by the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, with a Bielby BMD joint venture awarded the tender for upgrades from Woondum through to Veteran.

A second contract will be secured early this year for the remaining section between Veteran and Curra, and the works will be complete by mid-2024, weather permitting.

“The Gympie Bypass is a once-in-a-generation infrastructure project that will save lives and turbo-charge Wide Bay’s economy, creating about 576 jobs during the next four years,” Mr O’Brien said.

“It will open up Wide Bay’s industry and manufacturing capability to Brisbane and beyond, with a four-lane high-speed transport corridor that is built to the highest possible safety standards.

“Local motorists, tourists and heavy transport will all benefit from this world-class new highway alignment.”

The $1 billion Cooroy to Curra – Section D project is jointly funded by the Australian Government contributing $800 million and the Queensland Government $200 million.


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