Family Central helps Sunshine Butterflies soar

November 14, 2019

A new Family Central facility offering important services to people with disabilities and their families is delivering real benefits to Noosa communities through a $71,000 Liberal and Nationals Government grant.

Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien said the funding contributed to the creation of dedicated place for services including family counselling, social enterprise initiatives for job creation and creative spaces for therapy, all in a non-clinical setting.

“Family Central, at the Sunshine Butterflies Our Backyard learning, respite and recreational centre, enhances the delivery of important support services for people with disabilities and their families and carers,” Mr O’Brien said.

“Leanne Walsh and her Sunshine Butterflies team have done a fantastic job in creating a bright, friendly and welcoming space that will continue to improve and enrich the lives of people with disabilities and their families.  This funding has helped to provide a one-stop shop for a range of services and resources in one convenient location.

“There’s always a lot of colour, movement and entertainment at Sunshine Butterflies, and I’ve been keen to support their work, with Stronger Communities Programme Round 3 and Round 4 grants of $16,362 and $17,295.  It’s wonderful to see the amazing difference Sunshine Butterflies makes in the lives of so many people.

“It’s also important to acknowledge and thank Sunshine Butterflies’ donors and sponsors,  they keep the doors of this magical place open and I thank them for their ongoing and much needed support.”

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the funding will go towards Sunshine Butterflies excellent work, promoting well-being, independence and inclusion in the community.

“I’m pleased the Liberal and Nationals Government has provided this funding to help Sunshine Butterflies increase membership and referrals to meet current and future demand, improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in Noosa,” Mr McCormack said.

“The Government is committed to supporting local communities prosper and grow and local infrastructure projects such as this are critical if we want to boost economic growth and improve local amenities and facilities.”

The project was jointly funded, with the Australian Government investing $104,657, Noosa Shire Council contributed $19,600, Sunshine Butterflies $66,743 and Bendigo Bank $9,000 through the Bendigo Bank Community Grant.


Media Contacts:
Mr McCormack – Tess Salmon 0467 740 017
Mr O’Brien – Electorate Office (07) 4121 2936


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