Category: Speeches

Funding for Ration Shed Museum, Cherbourg – Federation Chamber


Funding for Ration Shed Museum, Cherbourg – Federation Chamber

I rise to congratulate the Ration Shed Museum at Cherbourg on its successful application for funding from the Coalition Government’s Indigenous Advancement Strategy.

Cherbourg, the home of the Wakka Wakka people, is an Aboriginal community in my electorate that was settled by the Salvation Army in 1899 and was taken over as a Government settlement in 1904. 


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Clen up union rorts and thuggery – House of Representatives


Clen up union rorts and thuggery – House of Representatives

After so many reports of bribery, bullying, intimidation and links to organised crime, it’s an absolute disgrace that Labor continues to operate a protection racket for union thuggery.

It’s no surprise that Labor and The Greens are protecting their union mates from the Coalition’s plan to tackle union rorts and intimidation.

After all, the CFMEU is a powerful donor to the Labor Party and The Greens. 


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Maiden Speech – House of Representatives


Maiden Speech – House of Representatives

I am very honoured to address the people’s house today as Wide Bay’s choice to represent them. I thank the electors of Wide Bay and recognise the trust they have placed in me. I understand my responsibility to repay that trust with hard work, honesty and fearless advocacy on their behalf.


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