Wide Bay schools urged to take a stand against bullying

February 21, 2020

Llew O’Brien, Federal Member for Wide Bay is calling on local students, teachers and school leaders to join a national movement to stand up to bullies.
The National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence on March 20 is a nationwide event against bullying and cyberbullying.
“I strongly encourage all schools in the Wide Bay to sign up and get involved on Friday, 20 March for the 10th National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence,” Mr O’Brien said.
“We know that bullying, and cyber bullying, is a growing concern for students and families, with one in five young school students experiencing online bullying each year.
“The theme for this year’s national day is Take Action Together to empower our school communities to unite with others and share ideas and actions to address bullying.
“Last year 72 schools and 22706 students from Wide Bay took part in the national day of action and we want this year to be bigger and better.
“Participation in the National Day of Action also sends a strong message to our young people who may have been subjected to bullying that they are not alone and help is available.”
For more information and to register your school visit www.bullyingnoway.gov.au.
More anti-bullying resources can be found at www.esafety.gov.au and www.studentwellbeinghub.edu.au.
Media Contacts:
For Mr O’Brien – Simon Kelly – 4121 2936


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