Tin Can Bay Men’s Shed to grow with federal funding
Tin Can Bay Community and Men’s Shed will have room to grow, with a re-elected Coalition Government committing $15,500 for two new storage sheds.
Federal Member for Wide Bay and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Llew O’Brien said Men’s and Community Sheds around Australia played a valued role in supporting the health and wellbeing of the community, and the Liberals and Nationals Government was committed to supporting their work.
“Social inclusion is so important to mental health and overall wellbeing, particularly in smaller communities like on the Cooloola Coast, and Tin Can Bay Men’s Shed has made a meaningful contribution to its members and the broader community in helping keep people connected,” Mr O’Brien said.
“It’s somewhere that people can come and stay in touch, have a chat, support each other’s mental and physical health, and pick up some new skills or a hobby at the same time.
“This funding will enable the Shed to build two storage sheds and a covered area to store timber and equipment, improving security and improving the amenities for its 70 members to participate in activities, so the Shed can continue to do what it is designed to do – bring the community together.”
Tin Can Bay Community and Men’s Shed president Paul Boulton thanks Mr O’Brien for his support.
“We are in an area of little to no corporate support, so we do run fundraisers like raffles and sausage sizzles, but they raise hundreds when a project like this needs thousands,” Mr Boulton said.
“Government funding like this is essential for the Shed to continue existing and to grow – it’s vital.”
Only the Coalition Government will continue to deliver a better future for Wide Bay as part of our plan to build a strong economy and a stronger future.