Bridge piling has now started on the last of the three new interchanges as part of the Bruce Highway Upgrade – Cooroy to Curra, Section D (C2CD) project.
The new Curra interchange will connect the fourth and final stage of the 62-kilometre Bruce Highway – Cooroy to Curra upgrade to the existing Bruce Highway north of Gympie.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said the C2CD project would improve safety, traffic efficiency and flood immunity for motorists travelling through Gympie, which had recorded regular closures from Mary River floodwaters.
“This is an exciting milestone in what is a game-changing project for this region,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
“The Curra interchange will provide a link between the new Bruce Highway and the existing highway, ensuring motorists and freight can move safely and freely along the new stretch of road during floods.”
Queensland Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the piling works underway laid the foundation of the interchange.
“The new intersection at Curra will connect the new four-lane highway with the existing two-lane Bruce Highway,” Mr Bailey said.
“The Gympie Bypass will deliver a suite of benefits to the Wide Bay region once complete and is currently supporting long-term job and training opportunities during construction.
“As a whole, there will be a reduction in the number and severity of crashes and will meet current design standards to provide a safer road environment.
‘While works are progressing along the entire Bruce Highway alignment, it is exciting to see the northernmost of the three interchanges begin to take shape.
“To make sure this work is done as safely and quickly as possible, we’ll be putting a major detour in place from the existing Bruce Highway over to the Old Bruce Highway between Woondum and Traveston.
“I urge locals to plan their travel ahead next week to find the best travel route.”
Federal Member for Wide Bay and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Llew O’Brien said Section D involves the construction of a new 26-kilometre, four-lane bypass of Gympie, running east of the city.
“Section D is the final link in the 62-kilometre upgrade to the Bruce Highway between Cooroy and Curra, so this is massive for Wide Bay,” Mr O’Brien said.
“I understand these roadworks may cause some delays or inconvenience to road users during this busy time of year, and I ask all road users to please be patient and courteous to road crews and other drivers.
“Once complete, Section D will provide a safe, world-class highway connecting from the northern end of Section C at Woondum to the existing Bruce Highway at Curra, north of Gympie.
“It’s a once-in-a-generation project that is creating 576 direct jobs during construction, and unlocking Wide Bay’s economic potential – and most importantly, it will save lives on this busy stretch of highway.”
The detour is scheduled for five nights between 7pm and 5am from Sunday, 5 December to Thursday, 9 December.
The $1 billion Bruce Highway Upgrade – Woondum to Curra – Section D project is scheduled for completion by mid-2024, weather permitting.
It is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments, with an 80:20 funding split.
For information on changed traffic conditions, visit www.qldtraffic.qld.gov.au or phone 131940.
To find out more about the C2CD project, visit www.tmr.qld.gov.au/cooroytocurra.