A NEW Memorial Garden at Murgon will mark the Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and create a new space to pay respects to the men and women who fought for Australia.
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien congratulated Murgon RSL Sub-Branch on achieving the $4542 grant to recognise the Queen’s 70 years of service to Australia while creating a new park to reflect on the service of veteran’s since World War 2.
“The Planting Trees for The Queen’s Jubilee program, an initiative of the former Morrison-Joyce Coalition Government, puts up to $15.1 million on the table to community-based tree plantings,” Mr O’Brien said.
“This new memorial park is being established to acknowledge the conflicts post World War 2 where no memorials currently exist.”
Mr O’Brien said the Queens Green Canopy program would create a legacy of tree planting nationwide, increasing the canopy while celebrating Her Majesty’s Jubilee and her military history.
“The Murgon RSL Sub Branch purchased part of the old railway corridor some time ago and has always planned to create a memorial park at Gore Street,” he said.
“This will create a new place for the community to reflect on the service of the Queen and the military.”
Murgon RSL Sub Branch president Kevin Gill said the RSL would plant about 20 trees, to be featured alongside a bronze plaque to acknowledge The Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II.
“The Monarchy have a long history of military service stretching back hundreds of years,” he said.
“Princess Elizabeth became the first female member of the Royal Family to join the armed forces when she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1945 before ascending to the throne.
“While there is a Queen Elizabeth Park in Lamb Street Murgon, we believe that it is important to acknowledge not only the Queen’s Jubilee but to also acknowledge her past military history.
“The RSL Sub Branch feels that it will be a fitting addition to acknowledge the Queen’s Jubilee, along with her war service in a memorial garden which also recognises those men and women who fought for our country during her time in the service of the Commonwealth.”