Final designs will be displayed this week for major works on the eagerly awaited final section of the Bruce Highway Cooroy to Curra upgrade.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said the Cooroy to Curra – Section D (C2CD) project will improve safety, flood immunity and capacity on the Bruce Highway.
“The C2CD project will deliver 26 kilometres of a four-lane divided highway on a new alignment between Woondum and Curra, as well as upgrades to existing interchanges and connecting roads,” Mr McCormack said.
“We’ve worked with the Queensland Government to fund this vital piece of infrastructure as part of our jointly funded $12.6 billion Bruce Highway Upgrade Program.”
Queensland Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the project would create local jobs and new, long-term economic opportunities.
“The project will be delivered in two major contracts and support 580 jobs over the life of the project,” Mr Bailey said.
“It’ll importantly mean our truckies and producers will get to their destination sooner because they’ll avoid 160 intersections and road accesses, including eight sets of traffic lights.
“This project, the Caloundra Road to Sunshine Motorway upgrade and the six-laning we’re planning between Caboolture and Steve Irwin Way locks in jobs and once complete will mean greater efficiencies for our industries.”
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien said when complete, Section D will be the final link in the 62-kilometre upgrade between Cooroy and Curra, connecting to the northern end of Section C at Woondum.
“By separating long-distance motorists from local traffic movements, separating opposing directions of traffic and almost doubling highway capacity between Woondum and Curra, this project is making travel along the Bruce Highway easier and safer,” Mr O’Brien said.
“The project will also remove about 50 per cent of current heavy vehicles from Gympie, making it more appealing for residents and visitors.”
Works are due to start by mid 2020 with completion expected by mid 2025.
The $1 billion C2CD project is jointly funded with the Australian Government contributing up to $800 million and the Queensland Government contributing $200 million.
Media Contact:
Mr McCormack – Tess Salmon 0467 740 017 | Hannah Maguire 0429 920 254
Mr Bailey – Toby Walker 0439 347 875
Mr O’Brien – Clementine Norton 07 4121 2936