Lowering energy costs for Wide Bay community groups

March 31, 2021

Wide Bay community groups can now apply for grants up to $12,000 as part of a new Coalition Government program to lower energy costs, support local jobs and help reduce global emissions.

Federal Member for Wide Bay and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Llew O’Brien announced expressions of interest are now open for the Powering Communities Program, which will fund up to 12 projects worth a total of $67,700 in Wide Bay.

Grants of between $5,000 and $12,000 will be available to eligible community organisations, with no co-contribution required. 

“Energy bills are often one of the biggest overheads for not-for-profit organisations and these grants will help reduce that cost by assisting with measures such as installing solar panels or a battery, upgrading air conditioners, replacing a hot water system or refrigerator with more efficient models, replacing lighting with LEDs or conducting an energy audit,” Mr O’Brien said. 

“These grants will ease the financial pressure for local organisations, such as community halls, sports clubs, senior citizens clubs and charities, by helping to reduce power bills so they can better focus on meeting the needs of Wide Bay communities.” 

An expression of interest form is available from the website https://llewobrien.com.au/grants-information/ or from Mr O’Brien’s office by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 4121 2936.

Expressions of Interest must be returned to Mr O’Brien’s office by 5pm on Friday, April 30, 2021.

Expressions of Interest will be assessed by a committee, and selected EOIs will then proceed to the formal application stage.

The formal application stage for nominated EOIs will open on 1 July and close on 20 September 2021.

“Wide Bay community groups do an incredible job to support local people, and we know that many have done it tough during COVID19. The program will help them to do what they do best, which is serve and support the community,” Mr O’Brien said.  

Further information on the program, including eligibility guidelines, is available at business.gov.au or by telephone on 13 28 46. 


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