September 25, 2023

Over the last month Wide Bay’s Community Survey 2023 has been distributed to letterboxes throughout the electorate as a way for residents to let Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien know their views on a range of policy issues that come before the Australian Parliament.

Mr O’Brien is advising that the deadline for receiving completed surveys has been extended until Friday 6 October 2023.

“The things that matter to you are important to me as your representative in the Australian Parliament, so please take the time to complete the survey to help me better understand your needs and priorities,” Mr O’Brien said.

“Copies of the survey can be obtained by calling my office on 4121 2936, or the survey can be completed by visiting my website at www.llewobrien.com.au/survey.”


In the spirit of Australia, I acknowledge all citizens who contribute to making our nation the greatest on earth.

I acknowledge our defence force personnel, past, present, and emerging, for their service to our nation, and particularly those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defence of Australia.

I also acknowledge the Australian taxpayers who, through their hard work, pay for the infrastructure, health, education, and emergency services that keep our proud nation healthy, safe, and prosperous.