Federal Member for wide Bay Llew O’Brien has congratulated John Barounis on his selection as the LNP candidate for the state seat of Maryborough.
Mr O’Brien said, “Maryborough needs a strong representative in State Parliament, and John’s experience as a local businessman, his extensive community service work as a Rotarian, and his advocacy for improving mental health services in Maryborough, including working with me to establish a headspace service here, make him the right person to represent the people of Maryborough in the Queensland Parliament.”
“John Barounis understands the importance of trust and accountability, which has been seriously lacking in this Labor Government. Labor have shown their arrogance and disregard for Queenslanders with their multiple integrity scandals, deliberate cover ups and smoke screens, and their complete failure to act on their systemic internal integrity issues detailed more than 300 days ago by an independent investigation.”
“Maryborough needs a state representative who will stand up for all our regional industry, and who won’t fail to secure important infrastructure projects like the $18 million agricultural water storage investment that was scuppered by Queensland Labor,” Mr O’Brien said.
“John Barounis won’t stand idly by while funding is ripped from the Maryborough region and allocated to damming the upper Mary for an unfeasible renewables pipe dream.”
“John also wants to address the issues surrounding housing, youth crime, and health within the Maryborough electorate.”
Mr O’Brien said, “Maryborough has already seen far too much tragic loss of life because of youth crime, and while Labor has lost control and failed to curb the rise in the number of young offenders, John Barounis and the LNP under Daivid Crisafulli have a plan to fix the youth crime crisis.”
“Queenslanders deserve real solutions to the youth crime crisis and the LNP will build a full youth crime framework to break this cycle.”
“Improving access to health care services in Maryborough is something John is passionate about. The gutting of local services to move them to Hervey Bay, long waiting times in public hospitals and to see specialists is firmly on his radar, and John will be an asset to David Crisafulli and the LNP team in their plan to fix Queensland’s broken health care system.”
As a former Rotarian, John believes in the four way test – is it true, is it fair, is it beneficial to all, and will it build something worthwhile?
John Barounis will be a strong member of David Crisafulli’s LNP team working to build a better Queensland.