World Environment Day, Friday 5 June, is a reminder of the importance of protecting Wide Bay’s unique and pristine natural environment, Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien said today.

“We are so fortunate to live in an area of outstanding, unspoilt natural beauty, and it is important that we keep up the good work in protecting our precious and unique flora and fauna so that future generations can enjoy it too,” Mr O’Brien said.

“The Morrison Government’s Communities Environment Program is supporting our community and local groups to deliver real environmental benefits here in Wide Bay, and I’m pleased almost $150,000 in CEP grants is helping to ensure our patch of paradise stays pristine into the future.”

Mr O’Brien congratulated the following organisations for their successful applications:

More than $200 million is being invested in urgent wildlife and habitat recovery projects in the wake of Australia’s devastating bushfires, guided by ecologists and scientists from Wildlife and Threatened Species Bushfire Recovery Expert Panel and the Australian Government is closely studying the impacts of the fires on the populations of iconic animals such as the koala.

Through the National Environmental Science Program, the Government is investing $290 million in evidence-based on-ground strategies that combine the latest environmental science with traditional knowledge and practical land care management.

Australia’s world-leading Reef Management is challenging new scientific barriers through a $150 million reef restoration and adaptation initiative, part of a $1.9 billion Commonwealth investment in supporting the Great Barrier Reef, by working with the communities who depend on it for their livelihoods.

For the first time, a Federal Government is making Waste and Recycling a national priority, declaring an end to the export of waste plastics, glass, paper and tyres; holding the nation’s first plastics summit and bringing industry along with us to identify solutions and mobilise further action.

As Australians look to recycle their waste each week, the Morrison government is ensuring they can have faith in that recycling process, and the positive impact it can have on our environment.


In the spirit of Australia, I acknowledge all citizens who contribute to making our nation the greatest on earth.

I acknowledge our defence force personnel, past, present, and emerging, for their service to our nation, and particularly those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defence of Australia.

I also acknowledge the Australian taxpayers who, through their hard work, pay for the infrastructure, health, education, and emergency services that keep our proud nation healthy, safe, and prosperous.