Applications open for road safety innovation funding
Funding is now available for innovative programs and technology to help drive road safety, Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien announced today.
Grants are available through Round 1 of the Australian Government’s $12 million Road Safety Innovation Fund for road safety research and technology development to improve safety outcomes for road users across Australia.
“As a former police officer and Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Road Safety, I’m passionate about reducing road trauma and I encourage organisations in Wide Bay with an interest in road safety innovation and technologies to apply for this funding,” Mr O’Brien said.
“Every person in our community can contribute to cutting the road toll, not only by adhering to road safety rules but also by contributing a bright idea about how to make roads safer.”
Mr O’Brien said the fund would target innovative projects addressing priority areas including improving road safety in regional and remote areas, reducing driver distraction and drug driving and supporting better safety outcomes for vulnerable road users.
“The Australian Government is committed to improving road safety because one death or injury on our roads is one too many,” Mr O’Brien said.
“Road crashes have an enormous emotional and economic impact on every person in the community, particularly the loved ones of the victims.
“Innovation and technology are key tools that can help reduce the number of road crashes, in conjunction with driver behaviour such as adhering to the ‘fatal 5’ safety rules.”
Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport Scott Buchholz said the first round of the Road Safety Innovation Fund had $2 million available to fund projects across the country to run over the next four years.
“Potential projects can include innovation in road safety management initiatives, new technologies and delivery techniques or research that better informs policy development and outcomes,” Mr Buchholz said.
“This fund is just one of the many ways the Australian Government is investing in road safety to move towards zero fatalities and serious injuries on our roads.
“Other initiatives include the recent $4 million Road Safety Awareness and Enablers Fund, which is helping deliver targeted educational campaigns to reduce risky behaviour and increase road safety awareness, install life-saving speed signage and collaborate with the community on decreasing road trauma.”
The first round of applications close 18 May 2020 and will be assessed through an open competitive process.
For further information, including application guidelines and submissions, for the $12 million Road Safety Innovation Fund are available at
The Government’s commitment to road safety in Wide Bay in the 2019-2020 Budget includes funding for the following projects:
• $800 million to construct the Bruce Highway Cooroy to Curra Section D project.
• $85 million to improve flood immunity along the highway at Tiaro.
• $13 million for new overtaking lanes at Tinana.
• $11 million to fix the intersection of the Wide Bay and Bruce Highways at Bells Bridge.
• $82 million to upgrade the highway at near Aldershot around Saltwater Creek.
• $17 million to upgrade intersections along the Bruce Highway at Gootchie.
• $15 million for safety upgrades along the Bruce Highway at Chatsworth.
• $5 million commitment to replace the Coondoo Creek bridge.
• A 25 per cent increase in Roads to Recovery funding to help councils improve local roads.