Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien is encouraging people in Wide Bay to explore new career options through adult education, during Adult Learners Week 2020.

“It’s never too late to learn and find new skills to adapt to the rapidly-changing labour market,” Mr O’Brien said. 

Mr O’Brien said Adult Learners Week activities and events can set people on the path of deciding where to start, what opportunities are available and the right organisations to contact.

“Education is a life-long journey, and as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, adult education can be the key that unlocks new career opportunities.

“The Morrison Government has invested over $3.3 billion in skills development since the pandemic began, giving hundreds of thousands of Australians access to retraining and upskilling in sectors where there will be job growth.

“The new JobTrainer Fund is providing around 340,700 additional training places and presents a real opportunity for adult learners to learn new skills, gain qualifications and improve their employment prospects.”

The Australian Government has invested $500 million in the JobTrainer Fund, matched dollar-for-dollar with the states and territories,.

Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, said people could connect with adult education providers that offer a range of learning pathways.

“This is the 25th year Adult Learners Week has been celebrated in Australia and the theme ‘renew you’ encourages people to take stock and look into the new possibilities available through adult education,” Minister Cash said.  

Adult Learners Week runs from 1–8 September and offers events around Australia, including online. For more information about activities and virtual events visit: adultlearnersweek.org


In the spirit of Australia, I acknowledge all citizens who contribute to making our nation the greatest on earth.

I acknowledge our defence force personnel, past, present, and emerging, for their service to our nation, and particularly those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the defence of Australia.

I also acknowledge the Australian taxpayers who, through their hard work, pay for the infrastructure, health, education, and emergency services that keep our proud nation healthy, safe, and prosperous.