$800 million on offer to boost Wide Bay’s manufacturing innovation

August 17, 2021

Federal Member for Wide Bay and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Llew O’Brien is encouraging manufacturers in Wide Bay to apply for a share of $800 million in federal funding for major job-creating projects.

Funding of between $20 million and $200 million is available under the Morrison Government’s $1.3 billion Modern Manufacturing Initiative, covering up to 33 per cent of eligible project expenditure.

“Manufacturing is the second-largest industry in Wide Bay and we have some incredible innovation in manufacturing here with world-class technology and skills being developed by local companies,” Mr O’Brien said.

“The sector is critical to our region’s future growth and local jobs, and the Modern Manufacturing Initiative will help businesses build on their strengths to create direct jobs and jobs throughout the manufacturing supply chain, from farmers to truckies and beyond.”

Mr O’Brien called on Wide Bay manufacturers to lodge their applications for funding before September 9.

Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Christian Porter said the Government will strategically invest in projects that will help manufacturers to scale up and create jobs, with investments targeted at projects within the six National Manufacturing Priority areas.

“As a Government, we plan to harness Australia’s manufacturing capability to drive job creation and spur private investment, especially as we chart our economic recovery from COVID-19 and build our future resilience,” Minister Porter said.

“Through the Collaboration Stream, we are determined to co-invest in industry-led proposals that will transform our National Manufacturing Priority areas, by encouraging manufacturers to move up the value chain to higher-value, higher-margin activities, including drawing on our world-class research.”

The Morrison Government’s six National Manufacturing Priority areas are: medical products; clean energy and recycling; food and beverage; defence; space and; resource technology and critical minerals processing.

Applications can be lodged from today until 9 September. More details and the guidelines are available at www.business.gov.au/mmic


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